Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We have wanted to blog for the longest time, but it was just one more thing that required more time than we thought we had. As I start to resolve somethings on the long "list", I realized time is what you make it and it never comes back, so here is our Blog!
We are the Greene gang and our family saying has become, "Knock on wood". This comes from our very funny oldest son, James. He is a little superstitious and says this phrase often. We thought is appropriate because as our family grows and goes their many direction we are grateful for the safety we find them in, "Knock on wood!"
So I'm not a big picture taker and worst, when I do take them I rarely get them printed so this will be a challenge for me. I am also computer challenged, but have found in my old age, I can learn new tricks. I look forward to an easy place to download pictures and thoughts! Here's our recent family photo. I  will search for more current photos to begin this blog, then promise to take pictures often and most importantly download them!!

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